sweating concrete

Sweating Concrete

Sweating Concrete   Does your concrete sweat like a pig? Like when you set something down on the concrete, move it later and there’s a wet spot where the item was? Sweating concrete not good. I’ve seen this problem many times when I’m resurfacing concrete. Usually when there’s high humidity or excessive moisture in the…

100 Year Old Pavers Lobby Floor Restored

Pavers Lobby Floor Restored

100 Year Old Pavers Lobby Floor Restored A building on Union Street in San Francisco had contacted my company to restore their old lobby floor. This building was over 100 years old and still had it’s original paver tile in their lobby. Most of the tiles were in good condition but the sealers had yellowed…

Radon Mitigation In Concrete

Radon Mitigation in Concrete

Radon Mitigation In Concrete Did you know that radon gas is one of the leaders in causing lung cancer in the US? Radon mitigation in concrete slabs can be expensive to fix but there are do-it-yourself solutions. We all know mitigating radon gas in your home is extremely important but where do you start? Testing…