
Cat Urine Smell Remover For Concrete

Cat Urine Smell Remover For Concrete Anyone who’s ever had a cat knows that their urine can leave a pungent smell. So when your cat goes rouge and starts peeing on the floor, it becomes a problem very quickly. This can happen when the cat feels threatened by another cat and wants to mark it…

stop freeze thaw damage

Stop Freeze Thaw Damage

Stop Freeze Thaw Damage If you don’t know what freeze thaw damage in concrete is and you live in the northern part of the US, then here’s a quick lesson for you. The freeze thaw cycle in concrete can damage your concrete driveway, patio, or any other exterior slab. Water soaks into the concrete and…

Radon Mitigation In Concrete

Radon Mitigation in Concrete

Radon Mitigation In Concrete Did you know that radon gas is one of the leaders in causing lung cancer in the US? Radon mitigation in concrete slabs can be expensive to fix but there are do-it-yourself solutions. We all know mitigating radon gas in your home is extremely important but where do you start? Testing…