Creto News

Green Concrete Sealer - Creto DPS

Green Concrete Sealer

Green Concrete Sealer By “green” concrete sealer we don’t mean green the color, duh! We mean environmentally friendly, yay! That said, CretoSeal enjoys being one of the leading US companies providing green concrete sealers to the contractors and do-it-yourselfers alike. Almost every product we carry, from the cleaners, to the stripper, and sealers  are eco-friendly.…

pressure wash concrete

How To Prepare Concrete Floors For Topcoats

How To Prepare Concrete Floors For Topcoats   So here’s how to prepare concrete floors for topcoats. The three things to address before applying a topcoat to any concrete floor… contaminants, moisture, and pH. Contaminants can be anything from dust and dirt to grease, mold, mildew and other topical sealants. These need to be removed…

How to permanently seal grout.

How To Seal Grout

How To Seal Grout   Grout is an extremely porous substrate and collects stains, dirt, and mold quickly if it is not properly sealed. You can get unwanted urine smells in bathrooms, stains on kitchen floors, and mold growth in shower stalls. You can prevent this from happening by properly sealing your grout. It’s easy,…

Epoxy Floor Coating

Epoxy Floor Coatings

Epoxy Floor Coatings   Epoxy floor coatings use to be standard in the resurfacing industry. Unfortunately they’ve become outdated compared to new sealer technology. Most people thing “I want an epoxy sealer on my floor” but don’t really know what that means. I’ll try to break down the difference between epoxies and other sealers here.…

Elevator Pit Waterproofing

Elevator Pit Waterproofing

Elevator Pit Waterproofing   Elevators pits can be susceptible to flooding and water leakage because of the fact that the pits are usually one of the lowest points in a building and therefor below grade. Water can seep into the pit and pool there causing damage to the concrete foundation and to the elevator equipment.…

Solve Moisture Problems in Concrete Basements

Solve Moisture Problems in Concrete Basements

Solve Moisture Problems in Concrete Basements Solve moisture problems in concrete basements by following the instructions below. But first, learn more about moisture problems in below grade concrete so you fully understand the problem at hand. Moisture wicking through below grade concrete walls can be a real problem for home owners. After rain or heavy…

Resurface Concrete

How to Resurface Worn Concrete

How to Resurface Worn Concrete   I found a quick article on how to resurface worn concrete on The article talks about a damaged concrete walkway and how to repair it using a concrete overlay. This process is fairly cheap and takes only one day to execute. Some of the best advice is in…

How To Hire A Contractor With Integrity

Hire A Contractor With Integrity

How To Hire A Contractor With Integrity   I recently got burned by a contractor that hired me (Subcontracted) and never paid me the full amount that was owed for my services. Emails and phone calls were made with no response, not even a “F you!” for closure. Business ethics seem to be disappearing from…

Permanently Stop Urine Smell In Concrete

Permanently Stop Urine Smell In Concrete

How To Permanently Stop Urine Smell In Concrete Some years back my company was hired to clean and seal a large church’s concrete bathroom floors. They were remodeling the bathrooms and had pulled up some old VCT laminate tiles. Underneath the tiles was old concrete that had been soaking up urine for years. The concrete…