Nick O. is owner of Sweet Concrete and Tile llc. and CretoSeal™. Nick has 15 years experience in the hard surface restoration industry and loves helping people improve their concrete.

Create energy from hot pavement

Creating Energy From Hot Pavement

Creating Energy From Hot Pavement   This is a great article I found about creating energy from hot pavement. I reposted the beginning of the article below. Turning Heat Into Electricity Engineers are working on technology that will harvest clean energy from pavement. While solar energy is a clean source of energy, not everyone can…

Concrete Can Actually REDUCE Air Pollution

Concrete Can Actually REDUCE Air Pollution

Researchers find that concrete structures can actually REDUCE air pollution by absorbing sulfur dioxide Here’s an interesting article I came across. I didn’t know that concrete can actually reduce air pollution. It covers how concrete can absorb sulfur dioxide which is super toxic. Unlike carbon dioxide which is helpful to the environment and accelerates plant…

How To Remove Epoxy From Concrete

How To Remove Epoxy From Concrete

How To Remove Epoxy From Concrete   So there are many different ways of removing epoxy and other sealers from concrete. Here’s how to remove epoxy from concrete floors considering the different types of concrete and methods. Pick out which of these is right for your project. Shot Blast Machines Shot blast machines can be…

Green Concrete Sealer - Creto DPS

Green Concrete Sealer

Green Concrete Sealer By “green” concrete sealer we don’t mean green the color, duh! We mean environmentally friendly, yay! That said, CretoSeal enjoys being one of the leading US companies providing green concrete sealers to the contractors and do-it-yourselfers alike. Almost every product we carry, from the cleaners, to the stripper, and sealers  are eco-friendly.…

pressure wash concrete

How To Prepare Concrete Floors For Topcoats

How To Prepare Concrete Floors For Topcoats   So here’s how to prepare concrete floors for topcoats. The three things to address before applying a topcoat to any concrete floor… contaminants, moisture, and pH. Contaminants can be anything from dust and dirt to grease, mold, mildew and other topical sealants. These need to be removed…

How to permanently seal grout.

How To Seal Grout

How To Seal Grout   Grout is an extremely porous substrate and collects stains, dirt, and mold quickly if it is not properly sealed. You can get unwanted urine smells in bathrooms, stains on kitchen floors, and mold growth in shower stalls. You can prevent this from happening by properly sealing your grout. It’s easy,…

Epoxy Floor Coating

Epoxy Floor Coatings

Epoxy Floor Coatings   Epoxy floor coatings use to be standard in the resurfacing industry. Unfortunately they’ve become outdated compared to new sealer technology. Most people thing “I want an epoxy sealer on my floor” but don’t really know what that means. I’ll try to break down the difference between epoxies and other sealers here.…

Elevator Pit Waterproofing

Elevator Pit Waterproofing

Elevator Pit Waterproofing   Elevators pits can be susceptible to flooding and water leakage because of the fact that the pits are usually one of the lowest points in a building and therefor below grade. Water can seep into the pit and pool there causing damage to the concrete foundation and to the elevator equipment.…